The Covid-19 pandemic has added an entirely new layer to the already difficult (for many) holiday season. Many of us are extra stressed, extra worried, and extra depressed, and with good reason. In the midst of it all, we must ensure our mental health remains a priority. To help you navigate through this challenging time, we’ve compiled useful strategies to help you not only cope with this holiday season but also enjoy it.

How are you feeling, really? Acknowledging your feelings AND talking about them is the most important part of obtaining emotional balance. Talk to friends or family, or see a mental health professional. Don’t isolate! You are not alone and you will find comfort in expressing your feelings to others.

Embrace the fact that the holidays will look different this year. You may not be able to gather with your entire family. You may not be able to travel or partake in your usual traditions. But that’s ok! The holidays don’t have to be perfect or just like the previous year. As families change and grow, traditions and rituals often change as well. Choose a few to hold on to, and be open to creating new ways to celebrate together, such as sharing pictures, emails or meet virtually on a video call.

This goes without saying, but…don’t abandon your healthy habits. Get enough sleep, exercise, and healthy foods to keep your mental and physical wellness at an optimal level. Don’t wait until the new year to commit to healthy lifestyle changes. Start them now and your body will thank you later.

You have the power to ensure the holidays don’t become something you dread. Take proactive steps to prevent the stress and depression that can descend during the holidays. With a little planning and some positive thinking, you can find peace and joy during the holidays.

To seek counseling, reach out to your personal doctor, the ,,Crisis Text Line, or the ,,National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

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