As summer winds down and the seasons change to full-blown fall, you might be feeling wistfulness, sadness, even depression. (unless you’re like a fashion influencer who can’t wait for fall clothing but I digress). Many normal people experience a phenomenon called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and if you’re someone that anticipates feelings of depression in the wintertime, these feelings can re-surface in late summer or early fall – aka right about now.

The sun boosts our levels of serotonin, making us feel happier and more energized, so it’s only natural that as the sunlight lessens and there’s more dark than light we begin to feel more tired, less motivated and – you guessed it – a little bit down, but perspective is everything. The autumn and winter months bring their own special recipe of beautiful weather, and it can be appreciated- maybe even loved, and bring new ways to calm, energize and inspire you if you let it. Here are some tips to staying positive through the seasons

Structured Sleep Routine

Sleeping has a direct impact on how we operate through out the day. Getting the recommended amount of sleep will not only aid in your health but make you less grumpy in the morning. Your energy will also be improved, allowing you to go about your day with a bounce in your step. Keep a structured sleep routine by waking up and going to bed at the same time each day. Try to stay consistent even on weekends.

Spark Joy in Someone else’s Life

Spreading joy and positivity has a ripple effect on everyone, including you. It has the ability to put you in a good mood. Try thinking about something nice you can do for someone else every day. It can be something small like buying your co-workers donuts or giving a compliment to a stranger.

Appreciate The Rain

Depending on where it strikes, rain can present an opportunity to be mindful, and has the ability to transform ordinary moments into one of presence and calm. Next time it rains, go to the nearest window and watch the droplets run down the windowpane. Listen to the sounds they make as they tap on the glass. Breathe slowly and deeply into your abdomen and notice the movement of your breath with the spitting, pounding and pouring of the rain, without any pressure to be anywhere or do anything here and the past and future are irrelevant. Being in the present moment can spark new feelings of joy.

The seasons changing reminds us that the earth is moving, changing and evolving, just like us. It’s up to us to take every opportunity we can to be in the present moment and remember the miracle of our existence here and now.

Get a Lux light Box

Using a 10,000 lux light box for 30 minutes each morning has been shown to help with seasonal affective disorder. You can also use sunrise alarm clocks that mimic the colors of a sunrise if it’s more difficult for you to get out of bed before the sun is up.

Journaling Before Bed

Forming a routine of journaling at night, or writing down whatever is making you anxious. This psychologically introspection, helps bring some self-awareness.

*If you find the winter months particularly difficult to cope with, or believe you might have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), please seek advice from your doctor. There are many support networks and advice pages available online and there may be help available in your community. Please don’t suffer in silence.

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