Pomegranates; that ruby red, super sweet fruit with its slightly tart taste has been known to bring a myriad of benefits to the heart, brain and immune system. For many people, half the battle of eating pomegranates is cracking it open without getting the crimson stains all over, but its health benefits make it worth the effort, and we’ve listed some below

Improves Brain Health

This is likely due to the fact that the antioxidants help with blood flow to the brain, which is good for cognitive function.

Reduce Inflammation

Another benefit of its high antioxidant content is that it can help reduce inflammation, by fighting free radicals in the body that can cause damage to your body’s cells. This is connected to everything from rejuvenating skin to warding off chronic diseases, including cognitive impairment.

Loaded with Vitamin-C

A cup of the fruit itself has 18 milligrams of vitamin C, so if you make your own, much of it can be retained through the pulp, so a fresh cup of pomegranate juice is likely to boost your immune system. For added immunity, add ginger and turmeric to the mix.

Supports Skin Health

Amongst its many benefits, this gem of a fruit also makes a yummy beauty beverage. Its combination of punicalagins and vitamin C help with collagen production, reducing the appearance of wrinkles from the inside out, fight free radicals, and rejuvenate the skin.

Supports muscle recovery post-workout

The high magnesium content in pomegranate juice make it a great post-workout recovery drink. Magnesium consumption has been known to help muscles better repair from the wear and tear of strenuous workouts.

Improves Heart Health

Another benefit of its rich antioxidant content is lowering cholesterol and blood pressure which potentially reduces the amount of LDL’s in the body.

Supports mood and mental health.

Polyphenols in pomegranate increase the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Bifidobacterium, and Lactobacillus, found in pomegranate are two very important strains for mood and mental health

Tip – One cup of pomegranate seeds (arils) contains about 7 grams of fiber and 3 grams of protein, and offers 30 percent of the recommended dietary intake (RDI) for vitamin C and over 35 percent of the RDI for vitamin K. Pomegranates also contain folate and potassium, which can both help maintain healthy blood pressure.

So, now you know all this how will you incorporate more pomegranates into your diet? 😉

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